Safe, Secured & Trusted Metaverse – Arkycia Metaverse

 In Metaverse

Most of us are concerned with the big problem of safety and security in social media networks and that extends to Metaverse too! That is why we have taken every effort to provide our users with utmost safe and secured metaverse called Arkycia. In Arkycia we are very much committed to safety & security. And we are working smartly to achieve that.

Arkycia Metaverse core engine consists of Security layer which is an AI system called “GOD’S EYE”. GOD’S EYE is integrated with the user Agent, analysis all the data about the user’s behaviors, content and so on. Any unwanted content will be blocked by the GOD’S EYE, hence absolutely no spam/ unwanted behavior or content in our Arkycia Metaverse. We are not controlling all behaviors and contents of the user, instead GOD’S EYE analyzes the behavior & motions based on the location, and users’ interactions.

Scenario 1:

If the user is in a meeting /conference hall, the user can’t make any inappropriate gesture towards a girl /boy in the meeting /conference hall. GOD’S EYE will understand the presence and controls the behavioral motion of the user. God’s Eye knows the difference between a handshake and Groping. It understands the difference between the behavioral motions based on the situations.

Scenario 2:

If the user is having a date with his girlfriend. Based on the situational awareness, GOD’S EYE will allow motions like Kissing and Hugging, but it will not allow more than that if it is happening in a public place. If the user is in a private room no one around, GOD’S EYE will not control the user. GOD’S EYE will provide positive & negative credits to the user, and these credits are used as Social Credits.

Scenario 3:

For the people, by the people – This is the motto of Arkycia Metaverse.

All contents in the metaverse are generated by the users, so we take up the responsibility of providing a good and quality content to the users. God’s Eye has real time monitoring of the content generated by the users. If there is any unwanted content the system will check with multiple scenarios, based on that, the content may get approved or rejected.

God’s Eye is a next generation AI technology built on GPT -3. There are many high-level security features in God’s Eye, but due to the confidentiality of the system, we have discussed only a few features of our God’s eye.

Let’s create a Safe & Secure Metaverse together.

Tags: Security in Metaverse, Safe & Security in Metaverse, AI Security in Metaverse, God’s Eye security in Metaverse

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